Tuesday 12 November 2013

Consistent vs Persistent

Assalamualaikum WBT,

Consistent vs Persistent...what the meaning & the differences?
different word carry different meaning...need to take this into consideration while using each of the word, because at the end it's might given a wrong meaning of understanding..that's what i learned from my lecturers..

Of course la, being as accounting people i don't really care how a word being use, as long as maksud tercapai..because its given no significant impact on me (i believe), BUT figure will given an impact on my judgement...hahahhhh...

So, bila dah lecturer asyik tegur the same mistake that we did...so insaf kejap...

So what is consistent, selalunya ditafsirkan sebagai konsisten atau berterusan jugak...
So how about persistent...persistent pun berterusan jugak...

So sebenarnya, based on my understanding consistent = secara tetap..., this is how we shud differentiate it...so bagi contoh lagi senang...

Cth: memandangkan sejak menjadi student ni berat saya telah bertambah menjadi 60kg lebih..so saya punya target nak kurangkan berat sehingga 55kg dalam tempoh dua bulan dengan memastikan setiap minggu pergi joging & tak makan lewat malam...
so, consistent adalah bila saya lakukan secara tetap pergi jog every weak without fail & no more late dinner..so this is consistent is all about..persistent come into picture when we do it secara berterusan dalam tempoh dua bulan tu or may be with a little extension of time ..persistent is about length of time or until we achieve our desire ...

sama tapi tak serupa kan????

hahahahh...saje je try test diri sendiri paham ke tak paham...mungkin my understanding might be different with others... 

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